
Bulletins + Submission Forms

NOTE: For Bulletin Announcement Submission Form - See Below


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please submit all request below

What you include here is what will be printed.

If the ad is ongoing, please fill in the last bulletin date for the current version of the ad to end.

Online Bulletin Submission Form

Do you need to become compliant with Safe Environment?

Click the link below.

Email Safe Environment

Do you need to schedule the event on the Parish Calendar?

Click the link below.

Schedule Event

Ad Examples

Keri Páez will design the ads to fit within the space (columns) we have for the bulletins. If you have photos or logos you want to include in your ad, please send them along with your bulletin request. Logos and repeated items must only be sent once; they will be kept on file. Do not include any copyrighted materials or images taken from the internet. They can be used as a reference, but Keri will locate images that are free to use. Anyone wanting to use the St. Stephen Catholic Church Logo should get prior written approval from Keri Páez before using it under ALL Circumstances. If you have questions, please email Keri at keri@saintstephencc.org.

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